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- Chartered Accountant Common Proficiency Test commonly known as
CA CPT Examination is conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India for admitting the aspiring students to Chartered Accountancy course. The
institute conducts Chartered Accountant Common Proficiency Test (CA CPT) twice
in a year (June and December), at all the major cities throughout India. Educational
Qualification This 200 marks,
objective type multiple choice questions, test is divided into two sessions of
2 Hr. duration each is conducted in two modes by
the institute i.e Paper Pencil Mode: Paper Pencil Mode of Examination is
conducted in the morning session and evening session with each carrying two
parts. Session–I (Two Sections - Two hours - 100
Marks) (10:30 to 12:30)
Session–II (Two Sections - Two hours - 100
Marks) (02:00 to 04:00)
Imp: Common Proficiency Test will be an
objective type multiple choice questions based examination. Candidates will be
allowed to opt for Hindi medium Question Paper Booklet for answering the
questions. Detailed information will be found given in the Information
Brochure. Common
Proficiency Test will be an objective type multiple choice questions based
examination. Candidates will
be allowed to opt for Hindi medium Question Paper Booklet for answering the
questions. Detailed
information will be found given in the Information brochure CA CPT Exam Syllabus The aspirants who want to take CA CPT Exam
should have basic knowledge in fundamentals of Accounting, mercantile law,
general economics, and quantitative aptitude. Topics in each subject are given
below. CA CPT Syllabus of Accounting CA CPT Syllabus of Mercantile Law CA CPT Syllabus
of General Economics CA CPT Syllabus of Quantitative Aptitude How to register for CA CPT Exam ? How to apply for CA CPT Exam? For Off-Line Mode
on payment of Rs.1000/- (Rs.500/-
towards examination fee and Rs.500/- towards the cost of an
application form and Information brochure) per application form. The fee for candidates opting for Abu Dhabi,
Dubai, Doha, and Bahrain centers will be US $160 (US $150 towards
examination fee and US $ 10 towards the cost of an application form and
information brochure) or its equivalent Indian Currency. The fee for the candidates opting for
Kathmandu center is required to remit INR.1350/- (INR 850 towards examination
fee and INR.500/- towards the cost of an application form and
information brochure) or its equivalent foreign Currency. Note: Since the cost of Information
brochure containing Common Proficiency Test application form includes the
examination fee, no separate fee is required to be remitted at the time of
submitting the filled in application form. Common Proficiency Test application forms duly
filled in may be sent so as to reach the Additional Secretary
(Examinations) at New Delhi not later than the prescribed date. For Online Mode CA CPT Course and CA CPT Exam Fees For CA
CPT Course For CA CPT Exam A student has to follow the examination
notification to be issued by the Examination Department of the ICAI and apply
in the prescribed form along with the examination fee
of Rs.1000/-. Examination Department will announce the examination
centers and issue admission card. |